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Showing posts with label Blogger SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger SEO. Show all posts

Monday 7 April 2014

How to to SEO Optimize Blog Comments In Blogger

In my previous tutorial on Media-Host I tutored about optimizing blogger labels and thus, in this tutorial I’ll address optimizing blogger comments. Comments are very important for a blog because they are crawled by search engines. So if a blog is having a lot of comments from the visitors then it is a very good thing. Google and other search engines give importance to the websites or blogs which’s posts are commented the most. This shows the popularity and usefulness of a blog.
Optimize Blog Comments In Blogger

 But when people leave bad links in their comments, this becomes a headache for the blogger as well as for search engines. Bad links in comments can destroy your blog and SEO. In general, we keep comments links as nofollow. And nofollow means, we instruct the search engine’s crawler to not crawl the link inside comments, but crawl only the content of the comment.
So, lets start.

How to optimize Blog comments in Blogger...?

  • Login to blogger.
  • Go to Template
  • Edit HTML
And search for the code below:


Replace the above  code with below one:

rel='external nofollow' expr:href='data:post.createLinkUrl'

Thats all done with comments optimization.

And don't forget  to share this post with your friends on social media...

How to SEO Optimize Blog Labels In Blogger

Hi guys, do you know what are blogger labels?, Blogger labels are those links which we add when we create a new post. We can add many labels to a single post. These labels are basically tags, but in Blogger by default they are called labels. When you click on a label link, that opens with all posts in that. In WordPress they are called tags. These labels are used for better user navigation, because if a visitor is visiting your blog for a specific post/page so he/she may be interested in more posts on your blog. Therefore having labels at sidebar is good idea. But the problem is, when search engines’ robots crawl your blog, they need only one URL for each page of your blog for crawling and indexing.

Optimize Blog Labels In Blogger

By default they crawl every page and links including labels. So this makes a little bit confusion for robots. Because your single post get accessible through different addresses i.e Archives, labels and the actual URL of the post.

So to avoid confusing search robots and for better SEO we need to change the labels to tags only for search engines. Robots have now become advanced and can determine the tag and the actual URL. Once you will add tag attribute to the label links so you won’t face any punishment from search engines like Google.
So, lets start:

For Complete SEO Guide Must Visit..

How to optimize blog labels...?

  • Login to blogger.
  • Got to Template
  • Edit HTML
  • And search for code  below.

<a expr:href='data:label.url'

Replace the above code with the below one.

<a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'

This Might Help You..

Thats All done with Labels  optimization

And don't forget to share this post with your friends.